Danish Business Formation of companies, LLC, unions, funds and Holding Companies

If you want companies outside Denmark, you must use this form.

Complete the form below for ordering DANISH companies eventually supplemented by an Offshore Company has either a mother company or daughter company.

You can always contact us at +45 321 77777 local 240 for support and inquiries.

Danish companies are registered within 12-24 hours on condition that the Danish Business Authority’s servers run as they should. Then you have:

  1. A CVR number (Public File number)
  2. eventually, VAT registration for Value Added Tax (only needed if you intend to sell in Denmark
  3. A signed confirmation from the Danish Business Authority declaring the formation of the company.
  4. our letters and invoice confirming the company

Offshore companies (outside Denmark) are registered in 8-18 business days after the order, as most countries require registration to be verified via a 3rd party Notary, which must stamp etc. so it is not an online process, like in Denmark who does not need any Notary function to be performed.

Online formation of Danish companies, LLC, Funds, and unions

    All fields marked with a * are obligatory
    Your full name: (*)
    Your phone number: (*)
    Your e-mail: (*)
    Invoice e-mail:
    Eventually mother company name:
    ZIP & Town:

    YES I wish for a VISA to visit Denmark. See VISA conditions under the menu point SCHENGEN VISA SERVICE

    I hereby declare that I will start the following type of DANISH business, union or fund::

    The company or fund/unions name:
    The extra name 1:
    The extra name 2:
    The extra name 3:
    The extra name 4:
    The extra name 5:

    How many owners is in the operating company:
    How many owners is in the Holding company:
    YESNO for Owner Agreement, kr. 1.995,-
    YESNO for TAX account creation, kr. 1.995,-
    YESNO for VAT registration, kr. 2.995,-
    YESNO I wish this company to be registered as a Holding Company kr. 295,-
    YESNO I wish for a registered trademark with my companyname. kr. 2.995,-
    YESNO I wish the office address Smedeholm 13, 2730 Herlev, Copenhagen (kr. 333,- pr. mnd)

    The ordered construction of companies shall be supplied with a:

    If YES, in which country do you wish the formation of the Offshore company?:

    The following documentation shall be received: (Passport copy and national ID is demanded):
    Passport copy visible in high res (minimum 2.000 pixels) of 2 pages where photo and passport number is available
    Official National ID CARD
    Official National copy of letterhead of your bank account statement with clearly viewable bank information and address information

    I accept the Metropol's Sales- and delivery terms
    I accept the Bussines Authority Sales- and delivery terms

    You will receive a copy of your data to the given e-mail as confirmation.

    GDPR, Cookie and Privacy information: Your information will not be accessible on a mail server and will be archived for 14 days in a local SAN (Storage without Internet Connection) and our website is encrypted with 2.048 bit encryption.
    We fulfill the EU GDPR Rules, Cookie Rules and Privacy rules for handling Personal ID.


    Denmark has double-taxation treaties with major other countries – see our updated double-taxation treaties list for that and the content in the agreements. Those are for private people in order not to be pay tax in 2 countries.

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