Fundraising til foreninger og institutioner m.v.

For starters and current institutions and companies, we can supply Fund Raising on a professional level.

With more than 25 years of experience, we have done Fund Raising and Marketing campaigns and projects for Humanitarian and other NGO organisations, Government, Knight Orders, Churches, Hospices, Hospitals and many well known private-owned companies as references.

The FundRaising Concept

I can assist with the production of materials, magazines, logos, campaigns, trademarks and also get the Fundraising Team into work. The Fundraising Team consists of currently 42 mature professional Fundraising Marketing people. We can deliver:

  • Fund Raising by a mature Fund Raising Team for organisations, product, services and start-up businesses
  • Split Revenue Fund Raising like ex. selling office articles or subscriptions by giving a percentage of the sales
  • Funding by searching all Funds and Legates in each country
  • Project funding, money guarantees and paid travel expenses by the the 3. parts foreign helping organisations and(or the Foreign Ministry in each country
  • General Project Funding through Ministries, Municipalities and EU funding for many industries
  • Consul-to-Consul Diplomat and embassy work for project relationships between 2 or more countries
  • Export related projects for sales, funding and special project such as Knowledge Distribution
  • Humanitarian Projects with all funding through NGO and Ministries and Government Organisations
  • Special EU and EMEA funding for starters and special industries like renewable energy, energy and fuel industries and waste management
  • WinWin Beneficial which projects for companies with split earning to help organisations
  • Financing or Re-Finance of the projects

Al projects consist of precise knowledge of each country of precise contact info and current policies for each funding possibility. Also local or international knowledge in how to mass apply for programs including information transaction for those programs who declare insight in where you will apply for funding. The SAAS software solution also maintains a database for newsletters to the same receivers.

Fund Raising of the IT/WEB Foundations

One of the cornerstone technologies today is the Internet and the APPS and Business Software, BI, AI, ML core information handling. We can provide a free solution which consist of accounting, Office 365, Dynamics, CRM and WordPress Web Site Administration, which are the tools more than 80% of all small business are using today.

So a Fundraising can include these value added packages for a stronger and better success in the daily work. The solutions consist of a domain, videostreaming, backup and backup of the backup (DeDuplication), Antivirus, Anti Malware and High Performance Security provided by Intel McAfee Enterprise Solutions.

As an extra service you can have wishes like webdesign, logo-design, product-design and webshops which can be provided also for free in the Fundraising Solution.

Furthermore, we can provide IT Hardware on Linux, Mac or Windows such as PC’s, Notebooks, Phones and Mac computers.

StartUp Office and Perfect Office

With the ability to host 1.000 people in our office hub, we can supply you with offices we or our partnerships can provide. If you need an office 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week or 1 month its ok. We have secretaries and meeting rooms for all kind of arrangements including education, seminars, presentations and investor meetings.

In Metropol we work with Symbion and Innovation Support A/S which also can be found here:

Partners and references in Fund Raising:

  • AgilUdvikling A/S is specialized in globalization and can grow companies in many markets simultaneously. In some cases, we do sell companies, especially to foreign companies, if they contain products, which have value for the international community.
  • Rekrutteringsfirmaet A/S – the software maker for fundraising and the campaign leader for Marketing and for Fund Raising Programs.
  • Santander Bank, Spain
  • Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS)
  • The World Bank
  • National and International Development institutions

I have been involved in the following project industries: Companies like Vestas, Gaudriout, University projects from DTU, KU, AU, Hospital Projects within Rigshospitalet, Hvidovre Hospital and KAS. Patient Journal The OpenSource projects for the hospitals is made by Michael Rasmussen.

My references for project funding of projects: Nordic Ministerial Council, Embassy of Sweden, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Denmark, Danida, NOAH, Greenpeace, Give Blood, Amnesty International, Red Cross, Help the Poor, Icare, ActionAid, Tibet Charity, Charity Society, Government of Senegal, SOS Children’s Villages and Save the Children, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Senegal, Germany, United Kingdom, Paktistan, Philippines, Thailand, Georgia, Spain, Greece, Italy, Malta, Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa.

Partners and clients:

EU Service and EXPO, Hannover Messe and CEBIT services

  • We are not just in Nordic Countries but also Germany and United Kingdom and we are authorized EXPO Partner for the biggest tradeshows like CEBIT 2022. Our offices in Germany is around 2 kilometres for the Hannover Messe and CEBIT shows.
  • Our services and phone numbers are here:
  • DENMARK: Smedeholm 11-13, DK-2730 Herlev, Copenhagen, Tel.: +45 32177777 ext. 240
  • JYLLAND: Inge Lehmans Gade 10, DK-8000 Aarhus C., Tel: +45 32177777
  • FINLAND: Erottajankatu 15-17, FI-00130 Helsinki City, Tel.: +358 92316 9999
  • ESTONIA: Rotermanni 6, EE-10111, Tallinn, Tel.: +372 712 1400
  • LATVIA: Dzirnavu iela 57A, LV-1010, Riga, Tel.: +372 712 1400
  • SWEDEN:Östermalmstorg 1, 114 42 Stockholm, Tel.: +46 8559 22220
  • SWEDEN: Hyllie Stationstorg 31, 215 32 Malmö, Tel.: +46 214950222
  • NORWAY: Samvirket, Apotekergata 10, NO-180 Oslo, Tel: +45 321 77777 ext. 144
  • GERMANY: Rasmussen GMBH, Willy Brandts Straße 23, D-20457 Hamburg, Tel: +45 321 77777 ext. 144
  • POLAND: Marszałkowska 126/134, 00-008 Warsaw, Tel: +48 22 219 7000

Partners and clients:


Kilde: Advokat og Revisor Samvirket
Henvisende link:
Fotokredit: Logoer fra de enkelte firmaer og organisationer.

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